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‘Feel Good’ like the Sturgeon

Take that Leap during August to ‘Feel Good’ like the Sturgeon

The Sturgeon full moon of August embodies the final days of summer and signals the beginning of the harvest season. Deep within us anticipation starts to stir, we feel it quicken just beneath the surface.

The full moon in August is called the Sturgeon Moon because it was the time when native Americans caught these huge fish in the Great Freshwater Lakes and Rivers.
Many sturgeons leap completely out of the water. This may be a means of communication with each other, shedding parasites, escaping from predators or simply because it ‘feels good’!
This August may be our time to take a leap ourselves and it may be for any of the above reasons too. It is good to move on and it certainly is a natural time of the year to do so! It may now be YOUR time to take a leap of faith and catch that big fish. It may be a career leap after working in the same role for years, a leap to a new job, students leaping to or from college. We can help you to cast the line……Contact us..

Phone:+353(0) 86 217 6742

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