Our Team at Human Reasons wishes every single person well today as the entire Island…

Halloween Blog ~ Spooked by Interviews?
Halloween Blog ~ Spooked by Interviews?
As this time of year and for what feels like every day since we got over “back to school time” we have had pictures of Halloween at every turn of our day. It has finally arrived and hopefully the kids will enjoy it as best they can. On Halloween we think about feeling spooked and no better way to feel like that than an upcoming interview, I think most of you may agree! This is really very normal however not at all easy and yes there is support available. Here at Human Reasons we work everyday to prepare people for interview. We work with clients who have never been interviewed to those who have had many interviews. We support clients with face to face interviews and of course now Online interviews are more and more common. We also work with those completing phone interviews and interviews on any other digital format.
Feeling SPOOKED is natural but you don’t have “to go it” alone as Bono sings far better than I ever could. We are here to help, we are local, we can help you online and also face to face, WHATEVER is best for YOU. Get in touch…..
Kindest Regards, Avril