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Conflict @ Work Who, Why & What Now? Webinar with TrainedIn – Thursday Nov 12th at 10am

Conflict @ Work Who, Why & What Now?
Webinar with TrainedIn – Thursday Nov 12th at 10am

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Based on my experience over the last 20 years I’ll talk you through what I have found to be the real gamechangers when it comes to understanding conflict at work. The more we understand conflict the better equipped we are for dealing with whatever arises when the inevitable conflict shows its sometimes very ugly face!

Looking at the Who in terms of our own selves, what really matters to us and what are main triggers are. Widening the lens to think about others; our team, our Manager, our suppliers and again peeling back any padding what really does matter to them? And what will trip them up? i.e. trigger them?

This combined understanding can be very powerful and on the 12th November we will talk about this in detail.

The workshop is suitable for anybody post-secondary school and either working or studying in any capacity.


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