Our Team at Human Reasons wishes every single person well today as the entire Island…

Cork Raises a Hand for International Women’s Day
Human Reasons Team, Cork Raises a Hand for International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day 2021 campaign theme: #ChooseToChallenge
Believe it or not, March 8th has been celebrated since the early 1900’s to be International Women’s Day (IWD).
Each year there is a particular theme to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements worldwide from political to economic and social but with particular emphasis on gender equality. This year the theme is Choose to Challenge.
The pandemic has bought its own unique challenges for women – from job losses to a rise in domestic abuse and the pressures of home schooling – making the need for this year’s IWD more pressing than ever.
Although the day was started a century ago, there are still very good reasons to mark it now.
Usually, the day is celebrated around the world with arts performances, talks, rallies, networking, conferences and marches. Of course, this time around things are going to be a little different. This year one suggestion is for women to post a photograph with one hand raised as a mark of support to women all over the world and to call for an end to gender inequality.
A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. From challenge comes change, so let’s all Choose to Challenge ourselves on Monday 08th March 2021.
Lets not only celebrate IWD but also mark a change for ourselves and seek out that career move you have been promising yourself. Take small steps to start with. Make the call about a Career Coaching session or to get your CV updated.
If you have a pending interview, do not go alone because the Human Reasons team are here to assist you with Interview Preparation sessions. Remember from challenge comes change so raise that hand ….you owe it to yourself!!