Our Team at Human Reasons wishes every single person well today as the entire Island…

Work = Free Therapy Blog!
Published on Cobh News 1st Sept 2020 https://cobhnews.com/work-free-therapy-avril-mansworth-on-cobh-news/
Work = Free Therapy
I have always been a fan of Helen Prendergast’s work from her days with the Student Counselling Team at UCC to her most recent Wellbeing Practice Head start Consultancy https://headstartconsultancy.com/ so when I was invited to hear Helen speak for TrainedIn early on in the lockdown I was intrigued! Who were TrainedIn and how could I follow Helen’s proactive lead and help out to talk about something helpful for people? As it turns out TrainedIn the brainchild of Sorcha Finucane is a fantastic online platform offering a wealth of highly informative Webinars and training material. Its also a fantastic networking platform for any Trainers, check out https://trainedin.ie/

Back to how I could talk about something helpful for people? As a Trainee Psychologist my area of research interest is the therapeutic benefit of work to our lives, literally occupational therapy! I wanted to talk through this area broadly to give listeners a wide picture of this field. Resulting from this initial talk then any specific areas listeners would like to talk in further detail on I would be really happy to talk on at a later stage with them. They certainly have been in touch since!
I called my Webinar “Work = Free Therapy”, walking listeners from the very beginning with the “Story of Work”, progressing on to the nuts and bolts of the “Core Benefits of Work” from the very fundamentals to meeting our higher and more evolved needs for real human connection. Work, why do we bother? A key theme and also well what does work REALLY give us? Why would you want to stay in the game?
Bridget from the TrainedIn Team worked closely with me to market this Webinar to give as many people as possible the OPTION of tuning in! I was really motivated to give this a good shot as it was months since I myself had challenged myself to do something like this so I rolled up the sleeves and contact the very talented local videographer Micheal Keane to support me in developing a promotional video, which he did with ease as always for somebody of Micheal’s natural ability.
On the 28th July I delivered this Webinar, my husband and I were on a trip to Limerick at the time and I talk about this in the Webinar and the fear of forgetting the fateful “face mask” before I left the People’s Republic of Cork for fear I’d break the many rules we now need to remember in our newer version of the world.
The webinar itself is linked to this blog (thanks as always to technical skills of Maestro Kieran Walsh for this as I certainly do not know how to do this!) if you would like to listen in…
Background on Avril’s Company Human Reasons
Human Reasons provides two categories of support:
1. Career Services for Individuals & Groups
2. HR Services for Companies
Avril and her team have worked in this area for 20 years and examples of our work with lots of info available on www.humanreasons.com
Avril is very passionate about mental health, her TEDx Talk has had 58,000+ views and is available below.

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